DOAT Ep 114: Ex-Man the Wolverine Tribute Episode

This Week on the Dork of All Trades Podcast
Our Hosts, Tim & John, say farewell to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Topic(s): X-men 2000, X2 United, X3 Last Stand, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Wolverine, Logan, James Howlett, X-Men First Class, The Wolverine, X-Men Days of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse, Logan Movie, Logan 2017, Wolverines Last Stand, Sabretooth, Stryker, Weapon X, Jean Grey, Famke Jannsen, Charles Xavier, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, Magneto, Ian McKellan, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne, Hugh Jackman, Laura, X-23, Weapon 11, Deadpool, Storm, Ryan Reynolds, Halle Berry,  Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Patrick Stewart, Beast, Frasier, Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Mystique, Rebecca Romain Stamos, Jennifer Lawrence, Sebastian Shah, Colonel Stryker, Rice, Mariko, Lady Deathstrike, Silver Samurai, Poopy Diapers, Gambit, and More!

Our song intro and outro is titled “About My Business” by Montago Bradley and Duane Williams

Disclaimer: We want to make one thing clear. HUGH JACKMAN IS WOLVERINE, and we thank him for everything he has done for the character.

Special Thanks to all of the Nerd Podcast Mafia: Cult-45 Podcast, So Wizard Podcast, Open All Powers, Not Another Nerdy Podcast, Fans on Patrol, the Nerdtastic4 Podcast, the Geek Yogurt Podcast, and Super Hero Speak.

The Dork of All Trades Podcast is hosted by John Langan & Tim Berger
Executive Producer: Brandon Rapone
Twitter: @dorkofalltrades
Instagrams: @dorkofalltrades & @dbzsnaps
Please like The Dork of All Trades Podcast on Facebook

Cosplays of Wizard World Philly 2016

Between June 2nd – June 5th the Philadelphia Convention Center, located a few blocks northeast of City Hall, was overrun with comic book nerds, celebrities, and cosplayers for Wizard World Philadelphia. I had the pleasure of attending Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; and I had so much fun! This is the second blog of three, leading up to our Podcast episode covering the event on Thursday (DOAT Ep 75)

Captain Cosplay was one of the best Cosplayers I have ever met. and Brett as Winter Soldier.

  Wizard World has a large variety of events, attractions and fun things to do throughout the weekend. By far one of my favorite things to do is Cosplay. We talk about Cosplay (and famous cosplayers) on Ep 33, but We barely touch on how awesome all of these fairly unknown cosplayers who go to cons week in week out.  Here are my favorite Cosplays I’ve seen this weekend.   Friday:

This Cosplayer (as Shane from TWD) was working the Zombified Photo Booth, Bless his Genes, because on Sat/Sun he cosplayed as Jon Bernthal’s Punisher.
Rufio… Rufio… Ru.. Fi.. OOOOO This total badass actually screamed BANGARANG! after I took this picture, which was followed by a round of Crowing between Him, myself, and others on the Con Floor. (10th Doctor Photobomb)


A Fantastic Lara Croft asked to get a picture with Demi (Wonder Woman) and Brett (Winter Soldier)
Amazing concept of Darth Vader, If Anakin was burned during the Battle with Obi Wan while wearing his Darth Vader armor
Jason Voorhees stalked the con, he snuck up on everyone and scared the shit out of me multiple times


We talk about Michael Mulligan (Captain Cosplay) on this weeks episode. an absolute inspiration on social media and in real life.

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The Best Cosplay on Friday, Battle Damaged Winter Soldier


Brandon, Anya and Johnny Cosplayed as Aquaman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow

Anya and I were asked to join the the DC Cosplayer Meet up. COSPlEASE

lydia and Beetlejuice stayed in character all day long and even won an honorable mention in the Official Cosplay Contest
Super Friends!
John Green Arrow, and Aquaman!
Speedy and The Green Arrow @ the DC Meet Up
Wings out
Wings In! Awesome Cosplay by Ivy Star!
Cap and Friends; Brett and the girls from Queersplay Cosplay
Some guy pretending to be Hugh Jackman and Demi
Two Ivys? Double the Trouble, Double the fun
Brett and goddamn Hugo Weaving
Cosplay Contest! lego Bat Family
Demi as Poison Ivy; and Groot!
Brett as the Winter Soldier; Best Winter Soldier in the Official Wizard World Cosplay Contest! if only that was a real award
Drag Queen Rita and the Power Rangers!


Sunday was a very awesome, relaxed day. we took it Easy


Classy Ivy and Harley. right after the Sean Patrick Flannery Panel
Flame Empress Armor Erza. I love Fairy Tail!
Anya (Harley Quinn) was super excited to meet Philly Jesus
After 3 days we finally found the wall. it was a great con. Had a lot of fun.

There was some amazing cosplayers that we got to meet this weekend. We could only feature so much, but we look forward to seeing more amazing cosplays in any con we get to attend.

UPDATE: Shortly after posting this Blog, Wizard World Officials posted the following message in regards to the Cosplay Contest on Saturday.


The Wizard World Programming team wishes to apologize to our Wizard World Philadelphia costume contestants entered into the “Best Anime Character” category.

We have since been notified that the cosplayer who won the category, while amazing, was not a character that qualified for this award.

We sincerely apologize to the contestants who took hours, days, weeks, or months working on their anime-based costumes just to see their work overshadowed by an out-of-category winner. This is obviously not our intention and we will make sure to avoid this mistake moving forward at future events.

Everyone looked incredible this weekend and nobody should feel otherwise because our selected winner was chosen for the incorrect category. This was unintentional and NOT a sign of potentially bad costumes in the Anime category. Quite the contrary. The Anime category commonly wows us with the craftsmanship put in and Philly’s was no different.

We appreciate your understanding and hope you’ll forgive us for this mistake.

Although I was at the Wizard World Cosplay Contest, I did not wait to see the judges results. It is unfortunate to hear that all of the amazing anime cosplays I saw during the contest were overshadowed.


**(We were not asked nor invited to promote, endorse, or review this convention; but as fans of nerd culture and as a media outlet we felt it was our duty to share these amazing people who love the things we love. To get to share their art, work, costume or story with the world inspires us to be more, to grow both as creators and humans… Thank You)